TRAC Media Services has provided analyses of Nielsen ratings metrics for public television stations, producers, distributors and other national organizations for over four decades. Producers and distributors rely on TRAC Ratings Service data to determine the success and reach of their productions and their funders’ support messages. Program decision-makers use our analyses to make both tactical and strategic decisions that enable them to meet the needs of their local audience.
Overnight Reports
Sweep Reports
Scheduling Assistant and Program Strategies
Custom Analyses

TRAC’s online reports illuminate the data – including commercial and cable channels in their market and how the station compares with other public television stations across the country. TRAC staff members are always available to support you and your team with questions and ala carte analysis. There is no limit to the number of your staff members that can access our online tool set and seek training/guidance.
TRAC Locale
TRAC Locale delivers longer cume windows (quarterly, annual), cuts audiences into finer clusters across a range of variable (Occupation, Income, Education, Ethnicity etc.,) and provides station management and staff with a deeper understanding of audiences.